Sex Offenses

Sex Offenses

If you’ve been charged with a sex offense in Michigan you need to immediately retain a lawyer to defend you. Sex offense related convictions can have a devastating impact on an individual’s life. Possible penalties can include incarceration (jail or prison), probation and/or parole, sex offender registration, tether, the inability to work and live in certain areas, fines and costs, and damage to you and your family’s relationship and reputation. Sex offender registration places a lot of restraints on an individual’s ability to travel, to live where he/she chooses, and to live anonymously. For someone who is not a United States citizen, a sex offense conviction may lead to removal proceedings and deportation. It is very important to not lose hope. Hilf & Hilf, PLC is experienced in dealing with these types of cases and we are here to help.

What to do when accused or suspected of a sex offense:

  1. Hire an experienced lawyer. Remember, most lawyers practice specific areas of law, so it is important to hire a knowledgeable attorney with experience in working on cases similar to your own. Even if you are entirely innocent, don’t make the mistake of feeling as if you will be vindicated without having a strong defense to protect your future and well being.
  2. Refrain from speaking with law enforcement or child protection services without having an experienced criminal lawyer present. Remember, the primary function of law enforcement is usually to build a case against an individual accused of a crime. Anything you say can and will be used against you.
  3. Make sure you are proactive with your defense, and provide your lawyer with all information needed to properly defend the case. Only discuss your case with your lawyer, and only in a private, confidential setting. If incarcerated, never discuss your case over a telephone or during visitation with family and friends.

When it comes to sex crime defense, very specific strategies are needed, including extensive investigation and preparation. Sometimes private investigators and expert witnesses are vital for a defense. The defense of these types of cases is not recommended for a general practice attorney – experience is critical. At Hilf & Hilf, PLC we will work tirelessly to prepare your case, utilizing our specialized knowledge of sex offenses, and craft a defense that will help you try and obtain the best possible result

Our goal is to vigorously protect you, and we are available to answer your questions. Trust our hard working, experienced team to fight on your behalf.

Sex offenses we regularly defend include the following:

  • Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st Degree (CSC 1);
  • Criminal Sexual Conduct 2nd Degree (CSC 2);
  • Criminal Sexual Conduct 3rd Degree (CSC 3);
  • Criminal Sexual Conduct 4th Degree (CSC 4);
  • Accosting a Minor;
  • Assault with Intent to Commit Sexual Penetration;
  • Failure to Register as a Sex Offender;
  • Indecent Exposure;
  • Lewd Conduct;
  • Gross Indecency;
  • Possession, Distribution, and/or Production of Child Sexually Abusive Material (CSAM);
  • Prostitution
  • Maintaining a house of ill repute;

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