Criminal Traffic

Criminal Traffic

Depending upon the conviction, criminal traffic offenses (such as DUI or DWI) can result in a wide range of penalties, including: incarceration, probation, community service, drug and alcohol testing, counseling and alcohol related programs, loss of driver’s license, seizure and forfeiture of vehicle, steep fines and costs, and insurance rate increases. These type of offenses are often not subject to expungement, and upon conviction will be a permanent mark on your criminal record and driving history. Regardless of your alleged offense, a criminal traffic charge should never be taken lightly. It is imperative to seek legal representation from an experienced criminal lawyer as soon as possible to obtain the best possible result.

If you receive a ticket or have been arrested concerning a traffic or driving related matter your first step is to contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer to protect your interests. An experienced criminal lawyer that specializes in traffic tickets may help you in the following manners:

  • Lay the foundation for a strong defense;
  • Obtain a reasonable bond;
  • Protect your Constitutional rights and seek dismissal of charges or suppression of evidence for Constitutional rights violations when appropriate;
  • Contest the forfeiture of vehicle in cases where the prosecution seeks forfeiture of your vehicle;
  • Seek the return of your vehicle and vehicle contents when your car is impounded or held for evidence;
  • Raise necessary defenses to possibly gain acquittal or a charge reduction;
  • Negotiate a favorable plea bargain or sentence agreement when possible;
  • Attempt to reduce or eliminate points when possible;
  • Give you the peace of mind that your matter is being handled by a professional, who will defend the case in the right manner.

The attorneys at Hilf & Hilf, PLC have successfully fought Michigan traffic offenses for countless individuals. We can help to protect your rights, your interests, and work tirelessly to help you resolve your issue in the best possible manner. Criminal traffic offenses cannot be resolved just by paying a fine to the traffic clerk of the Court; a criminal traffic ticket requires the appearance in Court of the person who received the ticket. Common criminal traffic offenses that require a lawyer include the following:

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI, DWI, OUI, OWI, OUIL, OUIN)
  • Operating While Intoxicated with a minor in the vehicle
  • Operating While Intoxicated Causing Serious Impairment or Death
  • Driving while license suspended, revoked, or denied (DWLS)
  • Open Intoxicants in a Motor Vehicle
  • No Insurance on Vehicle
  • No Operator’s License on Person
  • Failure to Stop at Scene of an Accident
  • Failure to Stop at Scene of an Accident Causing Serious Impairment or Death
  • Reckless Driving
  • Reckless Driving Causing Serious Impairment or Death
  • Fleeing and Eluding
  • Unlawfully Driving Away an Automobile (UDAA)
  • Unlawful Use of a Motor Vehicle
  • Leaving the Scene of a Property Damage Accident

Hilf & Hilf, PLC can also assist you with non-criminal related traffic offenses. In many instances we have been successful to eliminate or reduce points. Non-criminal traffic offenses include the following:

  • Speeding;
  • Limited Access Speed Violation;
  • Disregard Traffic Control Device;
  • Failure to Signal;
  • Improper U-turn;
  • Careless Driving;
  • Passing on Shoulder;
  • Failure to Stop Assured Clear Distance;
  • Improper Lane Usage;
  • Obstructed Vision;
  • Failure to Yield;
  • Defective Equipment;
  • PBT Refusal;
  • Drag Racing;
  • No Turn on Red;
  • Follow Too Closely (tailgating).

If you receive a traffic ticket it is important to address it immediately. Failure to timely address a traffic ticket can result in a default judgment, added reinstatement expenses, suspension of driving privileges, and a bench warrant. It is often either difficult or impossible to obtain a reduction of a ticket once it goes into default status.

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