Criminal Defense Attorney Southfield MI

Premier Criminal Defense Attorney in Southfield

Criminal Defense Attorney

If you have a pending court date in Southfield Michigan, do not go to court without an experienced local lawyer. Hilf & Hilf, PLC attorney Daniel Hilf aggressively defends clients for all tickets, criminal allegations, and probation violation hearings in Southfield and throughout Michigan. Offenses that are alleged to have occurred in Southfield are scheduled for hearing at the 46th District Court at 26000 Evergreen Road in the city of Southfield, Michigan. Felony cases continue to the 6th Circuit Court if a probable cause determination is made at the 46th District Court.

Lawyer Daniel Hilf appears on behalf of clients throughout the Metro-Detroit area, including Southfield, on a frequent basis. When the way you live your life is on the line and you do not know where to turn, it is important to retain a top tier Oakland County lawyer when going against officers from Southfield police, detectives, Southfield city attorneys, assistant Oakland County prosecutors and the overwhelmingly deep resources of law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Having a well prepared attorney with great legal acumen, sharp intellect, who does not lose composure when facing the pressure tactics of Southfield city attorneys and assistant Oakland County prosecutors, possessing advanced level experience litigating cases, with a solid reputation in the legal community, who is looking to achieve your every possible advantage, is what you need from your legal counsel. Reclaim your future and take control of your life by engaging the legal services of criminal defense lawyer Daniel Hilf.

The Legal Experience in Southfield That You Need

Attorney Daniel Hilf is regarded as one of the top criminal defense lawyers in the Metro-Detroit area. His verifiable achievements include:

  • Superb Avvo 10.0 rating (highest possible rating)
  • 2013 Top 10 Attorney Award from the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys
  • Top 100 Lawyer Award from the American Society of Legal Advocates
  • 2014 Top 100 Trial Lawyer Award from the National Trial Lawyers

When it comes to cases at the 46th District Court or Oakland County Circuit Court there is no room for erroneous decisions, bad legal advice, ignored client communications, or for anything short of top tier legal representation. Attorney Daniel Hilf’s obligation to his clients is to aggressively represent and protect clients who have to go to Court due to an allegedly bad instance in their lives, and to assert well thought out defenses for trial, or to otherwise fight for the best possible resolution – no matter what the accusation or charge. Attorney Daniel Hilf is trusted by many attorneys and clients in Michigan because he is always loyal to his clients and their interests, and fights hard to prevent clients from becoming railroaded by the criminal justice system. Attorney Hilf’s Troy Michigan based law practice is a huge asset to clients, because he is familiar with the psychology and legal philosophies of the local Judges, assistant Oakland County prosecutors, and Southfield city attorneys to plan for your best outcome, given the facts and circumstances of your case.
Persuasive Litigator & A Solid Reputation at the 46th District Court

Be careful – there are many lawyers that are all talk and no action. Your lawyer should believe that there is nothing more important than your case. Hilf & Hilf, PLC has a strong reputation in the legal community for litigation and legal research. Let us put our legal work to your advantage to help protect you against false allegations, overcharging, and to fight for a outstanding outcome to your legal case.

False accusations are the most destructive part of “criminal justice” because false accusations attack our notions of justice and wrongly treat victims and innocent bystanders as criminals. Defective law enforcement practices is a large part of the problem. The causes of false accusations include: assumptions that are misguided or wrong; prejudice; persons that are purposely targeted by police officers due to a prior record (rounding up the “usual suspects” mentality); bias; lies; police officers jumping to false conclusions; mistakes made by police officers and/or eyewitnesses; deception; violations of Constitutional rights, etc. A big problem that law enforcement officers in Southfield and elsewhere believe that their mission in life is to build criminal cases, instead of looking at matters in a neutral manner. This type of law enforcement mentality sometimes leads to the arrest of people who are innocent. Attorney Daniel Hilf pledges to devote his legal practice to battling to obtain the right result for his clients.

Overcharging is another legal disaster that commonly occurs in criminal cases. When the Oakland County prosecutor’s office or Southfield city attorney overcharges, it makes a decision to prosecute a more serious charge that exaggerating the degree of wrongfulness that allegedly occurred. Litigating to obtain an acquittal of all charges, or litigating to obtain the proper result even if it means conviction for a less serious charge, are possible ways to deal with overcharging The trial strategy is something you will discuss with attorney Hilf if you hire him as your lawyer.

Defending clients’ rights, placing the case in the correct light, informing clients, well thought out litigation, compassion, and fighting for the right result all play large roles in attorney Daniel Hilf’s approach to cases. Please feel free to contact attorney Hilf today when you are ready to take the step to obtain legal counsel who is in your corner.

Client Referred Southfield Lawyer Here To Defend You

Have you been accused of a crime and have to go to court in Southfield at the 46th District Court, or are you from Southfield and have a ticket or criminal case pending elsewhere in Michigan? Experienced defense attorney Daniel Hilf offers professional grade legal representation if you hire him. Lawyer Daniel Hilf’s office is a rather close drive from Southfield and conveniently located at 3155 W Big Beaver Rd #123 in Troy, Michigan 48084.

It is time to think positively about your court case and to take steps to help yourself. A top level local lawyer is available for you, and payment plans are a possibility. Many different payment options are available, including: credit card, debit card, wire transfer, money order, cash, cashier’s check, personal check, giving you a choice of payment options to obtain attorney Hilf’s services.

Top rated Southfield legal counsel Daniel Hilf provides experienced legal representation in Southfield for all 46th District Court and Oakland County Circuit Court criminal cases, including:

Please contact Hilf & Hilf immediately if you need great legal representation.

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