Criminal Defense Attorney Rochester MI

Reputable Criminal Defense Attorney in Rochester

Criminal Defense Attorney

If you are facing a court date in Rochester Hills Michigan at the 52/3 District Court, the Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac, or are charged with a criminal accusation anywhere in Michigan do not go to court without proper legal representation. Hilf & Hilf, PLC attorney Daniel Hilf aggressively defends clients for all tickets, ordinance violations, misdemeanors, felonies, and probation violation allegations at the 52/3 District Court and courts throughout the metro-Detroit area. When your way of life is on the line, it is vital to have a top notch and respected Oakland County lawyer when going against officers from the Rochester Police, Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, detectives, Rochester city attorneys, assistant Oakland County prosecutors, and the endless money rich resources of the criminal justice system. The bottom line with a ticket or criminal offense is fighting for the best results. If your case is at the 52/3 District Court, the three Judges who preside over cases are all strict, conservative Judges who will play hardball with you. Having a sharp and tactful lawyer with legal acumen, keen intellect, who does not bow to the pressure tactics of Rochester Michigan city attorneys and assistant Oakland County prosecutors, possessing many years of experience litigating cases inside and outside the Courtroom, with a well regarded reputation in the legal community, who is looking to fight for your every possible advantage, is what you need from the lawyer you hire. Take control of your awful court situation by hiring Oakland County criminal defense attorney Daniel Hilf.

Retain a 52-3 District Court Criminal Defense Attorney Who Will Help You

When it comes to the criminal defense of cases at the 52-3 District Court or Oakland County Circuit Court there is no room for faulty legal advice, litigation errors, ignored client communications, or for anything short of zealous legal representation. Attorney Daniel Hilf’s promise to his clients is to passionately defend and protect clients who are in Court due to an allegedly bad instance in their lives, and to assert well prepared defenses for trial, or to work out the best possible plea resolution at the client’s direction – no matter what the charge or accusation. Attorney Daniel Hilf is highly trusted by Michigan attorneys and clients because he is does not railroad clients, and fights vigorously to prevent clients from becoming negative statistics of the criminal justice system. Attorney Hilf’s Oakland County based criminal defense practice is a large advantage to clients, because he is familiar with the legal philosophies and psychology of the Judges, assistant Oakland County prosecutors, and Rochester city attorneys to press for your best result, given the facts and circumstances of your case.

False Criminal Charge or Overcharged by Prosecutors in Rochester? Attorney Daniel Hilf Is Here For You

The most damaging aspect of “criminal justice” are false allegations, because they undermine the “criminal justice system” by wrongly treating victims and innocent persons as criminals. Defective, targeting law enforcement practices can lead to wrongful arrests and sometimes wrongful convictions. False accusations in court proceedings come about for a variety of reasons, including: bias; deception; assumptions that are misguided or wrong; lies; police officers jumping to false conclusions; mistakes made by police officers and/or eyewitnesses; prejudice; persons that are purposely targeted by police officers due to a prior record (rounding up the “usual suspects” mentality); violations of Constitutional rights, etc., etc. Law enforcement officers are not neutral, and view their jobs as building cases. Sometimes their decision making process is based on hunches, speculation, and the need to pick a side when confronted with 2 or more differing stories. This type of mentality sometimes leads to the arrest and prosecution of innocent people. Attorney Daniel Hilf commitment to his clients is work long hours preparing cases to fight against injustice.

Overcharging is another common and negative issue related to criminal cases. When a prosecutor or city attorney makes a judgment decision to prosecute a more serious charge in the fact of conflicting evidence that suggests reasonable doubt, overcharging occurs. For example, a person who uses drugs recreationally may face prosecution for intention to sell drugs based upon a statement by a unreliable, self interested, non-disclosed confidential informant and the quantity of drugs seized. In some cases the best possible result is to fight an overcharged offense and to admit to less serious conduct. In other cases, litigating to obtain an acquittal of all charges is the appropriate course of action. The trial strategy used in all cases is individualized, and largely depends upon the facts and circumstances of the case.

Defending legal rights, placing the case in the correct light, informing clients as to their case, well thought out defenses, compassionate help, and fighting for the best result all play roles in attorney Daniel Hilf’s defense of cases. When you are ready to have a lawyer that is on your side, it is time to contact attorney Daniel Hilf.

Client Preferred Oakland County Lawyer Here To Defend You

Have you been accused of a crime or received a ticket and have to go to court in Rochester Hills at the 52-3 District Court, Oakland County Circuit Court, Juvenile Court, or anywhere else in Michigan? Oakland County criminal defense attorney Daniel Hilf offers experienced, respected criminal defense representation throughout Michigan. Defense lawyer Daniel Hilf’s office is a short drive from Rochester and conveniently located near Somerset Mall at 3155 W Big Beaver Rd #123 in Troy, Michigan 48084.

Before you retain your defense lawyer, make sure you throughly examine his or her professional history. Your background examination of Oakland County defense lawyer Daniel Hilf will tell you the following: he has 20 plus years of legal experience with over 100 completed jury trials (many successfully) and thousands of court appearances; he prides himself in the number of extremely satisfied current and former clients he has; he is referred to many new clients by other lawyers and former clients; he has a well staffed office in Troy Michigan; and he has won several awards for his legal advocacy.

It is time to remove negative thoughts and to start thinking positively about your legal situation. Daniel Hilf is a top rated attorney and is available for you to hire. Payment plans are available in many instances if you ask. Attorney Daniel Hilf accepts credit card, debit card, wire transfer, money order, cash, cashier’s check, personal check, giving you a choice of payment options to obtain a great lawyer. Payment also can be made online through the Hilf & Hilf, PLC website at

Top rated Oakland county legal counsel Daniel Hilf provides experienced legal representation in Rochester for all 52-3 District Court and Oakland County Circuit Court criminal matters, including:

Please contact Hilf & Hilf immediately for any Rochester based criminal accusation or ticket.

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