Criminal Defense Attorney Auburn Hills MI

Leading Criminal Defense Attorney near Auburn Hills

Criminal Defense Attorney

. If you are facing a felony or misdemeanor accusation in Auburn Hills, do not go it alone. Your future and your family’s future are too important to take chances when pitted against Judges, Prosecutors, Police Officers, Detectives, and the vast resources of the criminal justice system. There is nothing more important than winning. Having a confident lawyer that does not worry or blink when facing prosecutors, and who rolls up his sleeves and gets to work on your case no matter what the facts and circumstances, seizing every opportunity to your advantage is exactly what you need. Your best hope of obtaining a great result is to have a lawyer with the intelligence, legal ability, and the earned respect of the Judges and prosecutors you are facing, in your corner fighting for you. Turn the tables to your advantage and contact attorney Daniel Hilf of Hilf & Hilf, PLC today.

Experienced Auburn Hills Criminal Defense Lawyer That You Can Count On

In the world of criminal defense, there is no room or tolerance for errors, false promises, and anything short of zealous legal representation. You deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Attorney Daniel Hilf’s job is to defend people accused of crimes, no matter if the accusation is trivial or severe. He is not here to judge or cast blame – he is here to help you obtain the best possible outcome given your situation. He is here to keep your confidences and secrets, and to use the information he obtains from you and other sources to your advantage, to fashion your defense in the best possible way. He is here to help you have your Court situation impact the way you live your life in the least possible manner, and to try and restore your life to what it once was.

Falsely Accused of a Crime or Overcharged in Oakland County? We Can Help.

There is nothing worse than being falsely accused of a crime. Having a client who is actually the victim is the toughest type of legal representation, reserved for only the best and brightest criminal defense lawyers like attorney Daniel Hilf. The criminal justice system is not perfect, and innocent persons are prosecuted for a variety of reasons, including: mistakes made by police officers; persons targeted by police officers; prejudice and bias; lies and deception; assumptions that are wrong; and violations of Constitutional rights. It is not uncommon for police officers to jump to conclusions, and use their role to try and build cases rather than making impartial and neutral judgments, which increases the risk of innocent persons being ensnared with guilty persons. Attorney Daniel Hilf pledges to do everything in his power to prevent a false conviction from occurring on his watch by devoting proper time to his files, effectively investigating and preparing cases, and marshaling all of his legal acumen and resources to fight for the right result.

There are many instances of persons being “overcharged”, which also causes unduly harsh and improper results. Overcharging occurs when the prosecution accuses an individual of more serious conduct than what actually occurred. For example, a person who was involved in a simple fight might be improperly charged with a felony accusation of attempting to cause great bodily harm. Just because someone is guilty of something minor does not mean that Prosecutors and Judges should try and throw the book at him or her. For many cases, winning is being convicted of what actually occurred and not being harshly or unduly punished for exaggerated, untrue conduct, and sometimes trials and negotiations are tailored with this purpose in mind.

Sometimes part of the job is to attempt to change or sway the hearts and minds of jurors, Judges, prosecutors, probation officers, and detectives. Upholding the Constitution and protecting client rights, compassion, placing the case in the right light, and persuasion all play roles in the legal representation by attorney Daniel Hilf.

Top Rated Auburn Hills Lawyer You Can Count On

You are encouraged to do your research into the lawyer who you want to represent you. Your research will tell you that attorney Daniel Hilf is an award winning lawyer, with over 20 years of criminal defense experience, representing thousands of satisfied current and former clients, who is available to represent you or your loved one.

Have you been accused of a crime, received a ticket, or have to go to a District, Circuit, Federal, or Juvenile Court? Contact attorney Daniel Hilf immediately. Oakland County, Wayne County, Washtenaw County, Macomb County, or anywhere in Michigan? Hilf & Hilf, PLC is here to consult with, answer your questions, and provide expert criminal defense representation. Ticket, ordinance violation, misdemeanor or felony? Ease your worries and anxieties by letting a legal professional help you or your loved one.

Payment plans are available in many instances. We accept credit card, debit card, check, money order, cash, and other payment methods and are available upon short notice.

Criminal defense attorney Daniel Hilf provides expert legal assistance for:

Contact Hilf & Hilf today for a consultation to discuss your case.

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