Traffic Ticket Lawyer Royal Oak MI

Experienced Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Royal Oak Michigan

There are two different types of traffic tickets that are frequently issued by city of Royal police officers, Oakland County sheriffs, and Michigan State police in Royal Oak, Michigan: civil infractions and misdemeanors. It is essential to understand the differences between civil infractions and misdemeanors to know what you can expect.

Civil infractions are given to motorists by law enforcement officers for alleged violations of Michigan State law and Royal Oak city ordinances such as: Speeding, Limited Access Speed, Improper Turn, Disobeying a Traffic Control Device (running a red light), Failure to Maintain Assured Clear Distance, Careless Driving, etc., which are non-criminal. You can resolve your Royal Oak civil infraction by making a timely payment of the set fine at the 44th District Court, which is located at 400 E. 11 Mile Road, in the city of Royal Oak 48068. The issue with choosing to not fight the ticket, and electing to pay the assessed set fine, to the 43rd District Court is that points are usually mandated by the Michigan Secretary of State for the traffic violation (depending upon the nature of the ticket you received), and the violation in most cases becomes permanently entered onto your driving record even though the points go away with time. Having traffic violations entered against you will likely result in an increase your car insurance premium, it may cause the loss of driving privileges (if you obtain too many points within a short period of time), it could cause employment issues (if your job requires that you maintain a clear driving record), and will likely reduce your chances that a police officer will cut you a break for any future traffic stops.

Traffic misdemeanors are considered to be criminal offenses and they are prosecuted for alleged offenses such as Driving While License Suspended (DWLS), Drunk Driving (OUI, DUI, OWI, DWI, Zero Tolerance Violation [Driver under 21 years unlawful BAC], Super Drunk, OUI 2nd Offense), Open Intoxicants in a Motor Vehicle, Expired Plates, Reckless Driving, No Insurance, Failure to Stop at a Property Damage Accident, etc., and require a court appearance to address the specified misdemeanor. Traffic related misdemeanors in Royal Oak and throughout Michigan can result in serving time in jail upon conviction, being placed on probation with conditions (drug/alcohol testing, AA/NA meetings, driving course, community service, counseling, etc.), driver’s license sanctions (for some offenses), damage to your reputation, and having a permanent criminal record that in many cases cannot ever be expunged.

There are felony charges that result from or are related to traffic offenses such as OUIL 3rd Offense, Unlawful Use of a Motor Vehicle, Unlawfully Driving Away an Automobile, Fleeing and Eluding Police, etc.. Traffic felonies are charged in most cases with the filing of a complaint by the prosecutor’s office with jurisdiction over the case and not by the mere issuance at the scene of the traffic stop of a ticket. Traffic felonies can result in serving time in jail or prison upon conviction, being placed on probation with conditions (drug/alcohol testing, AA/NA meetings, driving course, community service, counseling, etc.), driver’s license sanctions, damage to your reputation, and having a conviction that cannot be expunged in the future. Because a felony traffic accusation requires a defense or negotiation from a lawyer with experience handling traffic cases, the smart decision is to hire an experienced, reputable attorney to represent you in court. All traffic felony charges in Michigan are initially heard at the District Court with jurisdiction (the location where the alleged felony occurred), and are thereafter transferred to the county Circuit Court that has jurisdiction if a probable cause determination is made by a Judge at a preliminary examination or a waiver or the same occurs.

You Have the Right to Fight Your Royal Oak Michigan Traffic Matter and Have an Top Rated Royal Oak Defense Lawyer to Represent You

If you receive any type of traffic violation in Michigan you have right to obtain the services of an licensed Michigan attorney to contest it on your behalf. If you make a timely demand to the Court (before your are defaulted on the civil infraction), you have the right to a contested hearing to contest whether or not it was established by a preponderance of the evidence (shown that it is more likely than not true) that the alleged civil infraction did in fact occur. It for you to decide if the matter is ultimately scheduled for an “informal hearing” (which does not involve lawyers – only yourself, the police officer/Michigan State trooper, and the Court magistrate or Judge – which is very difficult to win) or a “formal hearing” (where lawyers appear in Court before the assigned Judge and either litigate the ticket (conduct a hearing) or negotiate a settlement.

For any and all misdemeanor and felony allegations, you have essential due process rights, including the right to a trial where the prosecution has the sole burden of attempting to prove the case at trial beyond a reasonable doubt with competent evidence. An often regretful decision when it comes to any misdemeanor or felony traffic charge is to decide to not have legal counsel and to represent yourself in Court. Someone who chooses not to have a traffic defense lawyer with them in Court is at a very steep disadvantage because the Court will hold the individual to the same legal standards as an attorney, and they are opposed by an assistant prosecutor or city attorney who has many years of training and experience in the Michigan rules of evidence, Michigan criminal procedure, Michigan case and statutory law, direct and cross examination of witnesses, and the ways and proper methods of conducting a trial. You can ask the Court for a public defender (if you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony and you are too poor to retain your own legal counsel), and pray to God that your court appointed counsel is capable and passionate enough to fight for the right result, or choose to hire a top rated attorney, like attorney Daniel Hilf, who truly has your best interests at heart.

For any civil infraction, misdemeanor, or felony traffic allegation for a Royal Oak Michigan ticket or criminal charge, the preferred attorney to retain is Daniel Hilf, because he has the diligence and necessary experience practicing before the 44th District Court to fight for excellent results for his clients. Make the wise decision to contact lawyer Daniel Hilf immediately to discuss your traffic related allegation and potentially engage his legal services.

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