DUI Attorney Waterford MI

Skilled DUI Attorney in Waterford MI

For a DUI arrest with Court scheduled in Waterford at the 51st District Court, retaining a top rated attorney that specializes in the defense of DUI charges is a prudent decision. The non-reversible and permanent sentencing consequences (driving and criminal) resulting from a DUI conviction are significant reasons why a DUI lawyer is needed to help you. The two Judges at the 51st District Court are not always predictable when it comes to deciding upon a sentence for DUI. Immediately hiring an experienced DUI attorney is important, because your lawyer needs time to construct a comprehensive defense strategy to address all issues and build a cohesive defense.

Searching for a Top Rated DUI Lawyer in Waterford Michigan To Defend You?

In Michigan, a conviction for a drinking and driving leads to some of the toughest legal penalties possible, even for a first time offender. For DUI felony convictions there are mandatory, non-negotiable sentence conditions which the assigned Judge is forced to impose such as: either a county jail or a Michigan Department of Corrections sentence, intensive substance and/or alcohol testing and treatment for the same, extensive community service, fines and costs, and a long list of probationary conditions (for probationary sentences). If you are convicted after a bench trial, jury trial, or by entering a plea to felony drunk driving, the Circuit Court Judge has discretion to determine where you serve your sentence (jail or prison) and how much time you serve (there is a mandatory minimum of 30 days in jail or at least 1 year in prison for felony DUI 3rd Offense. The Judge is also limited by the maximum sentence that the law allows. The maximum sentence for DUI 3rd Offense is 5 years, unless habitual sentencing applies). Misdemeanor DUI convictions can also result in a harsh and demanding sentencing conditions. For a misdemeanor OUI sentence your assigned Judge has the discretion to order jail confinement or no jail confinement), and a maximum of 2 years of probation with conditions. The Michigan Secretary of State will also send you notice of driver’s license sanctions, which your sentencing Judge has no discretion to override.

The best way to face a pending OUI case is to not face it alone. Retain a OUI attorney with the legal acumen and experience to properly and fully defend you.

Top Notch Waterford DUI Defense Attorney Available To Represent You at the 51st District Court and/or Oakland County Circuit Court

The DUI lawyer for Waterford Michigan cases that is recommended over and over by Waterford residents is attorney Daniel Hilf of Hilf & Hilf, PLC. Attorney Hilf is an award winning lawyer with more than 20 years of courtroom experience defending DUI charges in Oakland county. Attorney Hilf is available for immediate consultation and retention for any drinking and driving related case in Michigan.

DUI Lawyer Daniel Hilf’s significant legal accomplishments include:

  • Previous Guest Lecturer at the Oakland County Bar Association
  • Nationally and Local Media Recognition (Aspatore Books, the Legal News, CW50, etc.)
  • Capital level rated lawyer by Oakland County Circuit Court
  • Assigned mentor to new lawyers in Oakland county
  • Over 100 completed jury trials
  • Top 100 Trial Lawyer for the National Trial Lawyers (2014)
  • Current Avvo Top Rated 10.0 Lawyer
  • Top 10 Attorney for the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys (2013)

Attorney Hilf provides the experienced defense you need for traffic tickets and criminal traffic offenses, including:

  • All driving under the influence (OUI, DUI, OWI, DWI, OUIN, OWPD, etc.) in Oakland county.
  • All misdemeanor traffic (DUI, Open Intoxicants, Reckless driving, DWLS, Failure to Stop at Accident, etc.)
  • All felony traffic cases (Felony OUI 3rd Offense, Unlawful Use Automobile, UDAA, etc.)
  • All traffic tickets (Failure to Yield, Accident tickets, Speeding, Limited Access Speed, Careless driving, etc.)

All criminal cases and tickets in Waterford Michigan are scheduled at the 51st District Court, which is located at 5100 Civic Center Drive in Waterford Michigan 48329. Felony DUI cases in Oakland county start at the 51st District Court. However, if probable cause is found by a Judge after preliminary examination or by stipulation of the parties, the case is transferred to the Oakland County Circuit Court (also known as the 6th Circuit Court) for trial or other resolution at that Court. The 6th Circuit Court is located at 1200 N. Telegraph Road in the city of Pontiac, Michigan 48341.

Call Hilf & Hilf today for any Waterford DUI arrest or other traffic infraction.

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