DUI Attorney Grosse Pointe MI

Arrested for DUI in or near Grosse Pointe? You need a top rated lawyer who practices in Wayne county. Attorney Daniel Hilf of Hilf & Hilf, PLC is your lawyer when it comes to a felony or misdemeanor DUI offense. Because Judges feel that the public is placed at risk with every DUI, DUI offenses are treated in a very strict manner. The DUI charges attorney Hilf defends in Wayne county include:

  • OWI (Operating While Intoxicated)
  • OWI Causing Death or Serious Injury
  • Zero Tolerance Violation (Under 21 With BAC
  • Super Drunk (Operating with BAC over .17)
  • OWI 2nd Offense
  • OWI 3rd Offense
  • OWVI (Operating While Visibly Impaired)
  • OWPD (Operating with the Presence of Drugs)
  • Open Intoxicants in a Motor Vehicle

For some serious DUI convictions, there are sentencing conditions that are both mandatory non-negotiable sentence conditions such as jail or prison, up to 360 community service hours, alcohol/substance abuse treatment, and vehicle immobilization or forfeiture. The Judge has discretion in these cases in the amount that he or she imposes. Other DUI convictions can result in incarceration, probation with probationary conditions, and reimbursement for police manpower. The Michigan Secretary of State, for an DUI conviction, will issue a restriction, suspension, or revocation to your driving privileges. DUI convictions cannot be expunged; they remain on your driving record and criminal record forever.

Based upon the heavy handed DUI laws in Michigan, you need a real fighter to defend you. Attorney Daniel Hilf aggressively fights in metro Detroit area courtrooms everyday for his clients – fighting to obtain the best possible results for DUI cases.

Experienced Grosse Pointe Michigan DUI Representation That You Need

As one of Michigan’s leading DUI lawyers, contact attorney Hilf today to discuss your file. He has over twenty years experience as a DUI defense lawyer. He successfully represented thousands of clients in his legal career, and has tenaciously completed over 100 jury trials. He is the lawyer you need to deal with your DUI arrest.

If you need legal help for a OUI arrest, contact Hilf & Hilf today for representation.

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Fill out the contact form or call us at (248) 792-2590 to schedule your consultation.

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